When Support Falls Short

Docked Sunday
Post #1


I have this GREAT idea!
Let me tell you all of the exciting details!
I want you to celebrate with me!
*conversation occurs here*
Why aren’t you excited too?
Why aren’t you supporting me?
Okay, fine… Let’s not talk anymore. Been nice knowing you.


Has this ever happened to you? Or someone you know? Chris and I are on several different RVing groups, and this story is relayed time and time again by hurt, angry adults wondering why their families aren’t supportive of their idea to take life off trail.


We did not have this problem, and I have a small theory why. I distinctly remember one of my bullet points. Though, I’m quite sure this bullet point had nothing to do with a decision of support or not, but rather the encompassing thought process, preparation, trust, checklist, and resources to answer questions. That bullet point was to make sure we did not leave our driveway until we had enough in savings to return to a traditional corporate life. Gas, condo/home rental deposits, food, etc. If something went unexpectedly wrong on the road, we could revert immediately without major consequences. Proudly, we could revert with a million new memories and lessons learned through new experiences that could help guide our future decisions, and hopefully decisions of our kiddos when they are older. No failure in that plan! Win win.


The initial announcement may have taken a few days to digest, but there was never a second any of our parents said “I don’t think you can do it. This is not a good idea.” Nope. Rather, there was full support and shared excitement with immediate and extended family as well as among friends (except for the fact we wouldn’t be right down the road anymore).


Now, let’s jump forward several months. I recently started listening to podcasts during runs. It’s been great. The podcast from this morning focused on a book “The Four Agreements”. I started thinking about our experience and received support versus those that did not, and have not, received support. Are they impeccable with their word? Are they taking comments too personally? Are they making too many assumptions, and not pre planning enough? Do they have a history of always doing their very best?


I am a HUGE fan of the fourth agreement. Always do your best. You will make mistakes, but if you have a history of always trying your best it will be easy for others to trust that you, and your family, will be able to overcome any challenges, adapt, and get back to your off trail journey as soon as possible.


Often quite a bit of housecleaning needs to be done in several areas (finances, education, health, relinquishing existing responsibilities) before departing for the dirt road. If you are trying your best, and executing the other three agreements, I think you’ll find that support will grow. In turn, so will your personal drive and enjoyment.


Every day is a journey. Some days the journey is easier than others, but every day the journey should start with doing your very best, speaking words of integrity, not taking comments too personally, and avoid making assumptions by taking time to do all of your homework/prep/housecleaning.


Podcast inspiration for this post can be found here in iTunes.


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